It only seems a short time ago that we removed our Sonars from the water back in October, but already we're gearing up for the 2024 sailing season.
Four of our Sonars; Tantrum, Echo, Mandeville, and Dorsal returned to the water courtesy of Suffolk Yacht Harbour on 6th March around three weeks earlier than scheduled. We've had a great turn out of volunteers since October which allowed us to get our boats through their 2023/24 maintenance period much quicker than normal.

In addition EAST was donated the Squib "Kanga" to raise funds for the charity, so this was also refurbished by the maintenance team over the winter. Thanks go to broker Clark & Carter who sold "Kanga" on our behalf and kindly waived their fee as a donation to EAST.
With the boats back on the water, the team have been working hard to get the masts stepped and rigged ahead of the shakedown sessions that will take place in April ahead of the main season.
